Or where did August go?

September will be a busy month.  A long interview for “Poetry at Play” will soon appear, J. Patrick Lewis, Children’s Poet Laureate, and dear friend, selected my book SHARING THE SEASONS, illustrated by the incredible David Diaz (see TITLES) as a Book of the Month which is a nice surprise. David’s artwork for …SEASONS is breathtaking.  After decades of talking about doing a book together, we finally did!

I am at work on a new picture book and revising an adult novel which I’ve put off for too long.

MARY’S SONG received its first major review from KIRKUS stating “…ethereal and filled with golden light…A lyrical, unusual viewpoint of the Nativity story, seamlessly matched with gorgeous illustrations that are unlike other interpretations of the Christ Child’s birth.”  Thanks, again, to Stephen Alcorn for his golden hands.

Another big event on the horizon is the Edison State College Writing Institute to be held October 27, with a keynote by Gregory Maguire, author of many titles including WICKED.  (See EDISON STATE for information.)

Due to Charles’ birthday on September 27, the ‘overture’ begins mid-month and never stops.  But as William Shakespeare wrote in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING:  “A star danced/and under that/I was born.”  Now how could the bard have seen that star and knew it danced for Charles?

Onto tomorrows…