MARCH! And I have not posted since last November!

Rather than catching up I simply want to add a few things.

Renee LaTulippe and I continue doing tapes on the NCTE Poetry Award Winners. It is wonderful recalling lives of such greats.I have had the opportunity to communicate with both Myra Cohn Livingston’s children, Jennie and Joshua, and Eve Merriam’s sons, Guy and Dee Michel. You can view the tapes at www.nowaterriver.coat VIDEO LIBRARY – NCTE POETS SPOTLIGHT.

The 2014 Lee Bennett Hopkins/Penn State University Poetry Awards were announced last week. Information can be found at

I am quite involved with a host of projects. A priority is to finish a third revision of a second adult novel – something that is overwhelming, time consuming, challenging – yet so exciting.The problem with writing is time — finding it, keeping to a schedule and being disciplined; not an easy task.

I am excited over a new collection, MANGER, being published this summer by Eeerdmans, with glorious illustrations by Helen Cann from West Suffix, England. The book is already posted on various sites including

Another surprise was seeing LaVar Burton reading poems from my collection I AM THE BOOK (Holiday House) now on YouTube.

April looms and I promise myself I’d post another post next month. If I do not – scold me? I listen.