In the early l990's, a very exciting group had formed, The Children's Literature Council of Pennsylvania. In l992, I wrote to Seven Herb, then president of the association, asking if the Council might sponsor The Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award to further promote the genre...

In November, Marilyn Nelson will be the l9th recipient of the prestigous National Council of Teachers of English Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children. In the late l970's when the Award was being discussed, I served on the NCTE Board of Directors. Both Bernice (Bee) Cullinan...

At the height of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich days, Nancy received the John Newbery Medal for A VISIT TO WILLIAM BLAKE'S INN: POEMS FOR INNOCENT AND EXPERIENCED TRAVELERS, the first book of poetry to receive a Newbery. The medal was given on June l2, 1982 in...

Joyce and I have known one another for many years. She led quite a life. Born in Oklahoma on May 25, 1938, the state was the setting for many of her books. At the age of 10, her family moved to California where she learned the...

In classrooms across America, children celebrate their birthday. A common practice is for parents to provide cupcakes for this event. Well - instead of a cupcake, why not encourage all parents to donate one book to a class or school library, something that will last. Imagine -...